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Plasmolifting PRP Practice in Orthopedics

Plasmolifting PRP Practice in Orthopedics

In the last decade, platelet-enriched patient plasma has been increasingly used in the treatment of joint diseases. This technique has a number of other names – PRP therapy (from the English Platelet Rich Plasma), plasmolifting, orthoplasm. Its appointment is justified not only in the initial stages, but also in severe, neglected situations. For example, with stage 3 – 4 arthrosis, the use of plasma therapy can be an alternative to endoprosthetics.

The key point of the technique is platelet enrichment. These are blood cells whose function is the formation of a clot during bleeding and the restoration of damaged anatomical structures. Platelets contain a huge amount of biologically active substances that are involved in regeneration processes and have anti-inflammatory activity. These are special factor proteins: epithelial growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factors, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, transforming growth factor beta, etc.

Learn more about the PRP Orthopedics Course

When the platelet is activated, the release of these factors begins, the signals of which are perceived by damaged cells. Those, in turn, begin to actively divide, secrete collagen, elastin and other substances, providing regeneration.

Regenerative processes include:

Osteo- and chondrogenesis – growth of bone and cartilage structures

Neoangiogenesis is the formation of new vessels that carry out tissue nutrition

Synthesis of structural fibers – elastin and collagen

Cytogenesis – cell growth

Normally , the concentration of platelets in the bloodstream is 150 000 – 380 000/ mkl.

  • Created: May 13 '2022, 10:39 AM
  • Admin: delna
delna VIP
Female 36
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